The Beginning

Jake Blog Post 1330 Views

Yesterday, January 5th, 2009, at approximately 3:30pm Mountain time, I, Jake Bartlett, made a proposal to my beautiful girlfriend, Jamie Raymer. What did I propose? To spend the rest of our lives together. To my greatest delight, she accepted my proposal, and is now my fiancée. Now we are planning how to start the rest of our lives together. We are both happier than we have ever been, and are very excited to share our experiences with you.

We both will be posting on this blog from now on, and hope that you enjoy following our lives with us. For those of you who read our xangas, please continue doing so. We will both be using those for our personal use, but this blog will serve as a story of our lives as it unfolds. Please feel free to pass the address of our blog to anyone you would like.

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This is the ring Jamie will wear for the rest of her life. She tells me it’s the ring she’s always dreamed of, and even more (and it’s conflict free).

JakeThe Beginning