Dry-Ink: Smart Texturing In Photoshop (and Giveaway)

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Class, Graphic Design, Skillshare, Typography 3882 Views

As I’m sure most of you know, Jake teaches on Skillshare. And guess what?! Now I do too! It took some (ok a lot) of convincing/encouragement from Jake, but I finally gave in and did it. I couldn’t be more excited with how the class turned out. To celebrate, I’m even doing a rubber stamp contest for those who complete the class project by October 31st, 2015. So go check out my class on Skillshare and let’s have some fun!

Jamie BartlettDry-Ink: Smart Texturing In Photoshop (and Giveaway)

Etsy Wholesale

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Etsy 3423 Views

Today I officially published our linesheet on Etsy Wholesale. We have a few wholesalers outside of Etsy, but this feels like we just took the next big step in our paper goods adventure. We are excited for this opportunity and what all it holds for our little growing family. Like I said a few posts back, 2015 is turning out to be the best and most exciting year yet for us Bartletts. To much is happening and changing for us. I can’t wait to see what the next 6 months holds.

Jamie BartlettEtsy Wholesale

Coming This October

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 2015, Animation, Baby Bartlett, Motion Graphics, Video 3179 Views

Sheesh! It’s been forever since I posted on here. Ever since the new year rolled around things have really been changing in the Bartlett household, lots and lots of changes. That’s a post for another day (I’ll try to write it sooner than later, but I probably shouldn’t promise anything). Anyway, 2015 is turning out to be our best year ever and here is why…

Jamie BartlettComing This October

The Beginner’s Guide To Animating Custom GIFs (And Giveaway!)

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Animation, Motion Graphics, Skillshare, Valentines 2932 Views

Alright all you graphic designers out there! Jake released another class on Skillshare called The Beginner’s Guide to Animating Custom Gifs. I know nothing about After Effects/Animating so I got to be the guinea pig in this class to make sure it was truly a beginner’s course. And I have to say it was a super fun class to take! It’s perfect for graphic designers who want to have fun and add a little motion to their designs. Best of all it’s free for a limited time AND Jake is running a contest now until February 13 where if you finish a Valentine’s Day themed GIF you are entered to win an annual premium membership to Skillshare! I know all of you would own this class so I would love to see you guys rock out some sweet designs! Sign up for free for a limited time here: http://skl.sh/customGIFs

Jamie BartlettThe Beginner’s Guide To Animating Custom GIFs (And Giveaway!)

Five things for 2015

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 2015, Inspiration, New Years 3497 Views

I can already tell 2015 is going to be a big, exciting year for us. So much has happened in the last few months leading up to it. I won’t get into it all now but know that a big fat update is coming your way. Until then here are five things we’re going to do to get the most out of 2015.

Creating is something that comes very natural for Jake and I. It’s our careers. We do it every day. But this year I want to also create for ourselves. Create things that inspire us, create things for fun. Create things just for us. We already have a running list of ideas so every Friday we are going to try our best to take a creative day where, as long as client projects permit, we will be working on projects all our own.

Chaos and clutter seem to escalate when you live in a small apartment. This year we’re simplifying. First up is some major decluttering. We’re getting rid of things we don’t need or don’t use enough to take up the valuable space in our apartment. Also I found this 30-Day Minimalism Challenge that I can’t wait to start. Anyone else in?

More day trips please. Sometimes I forget taking a trip doesn’t mean you have to hop on a plane or drive for 10 hours straight. There are a ton of places we can explore and still be home in time for dinner.

There is so much stuff I want to learn like how to make really good real ramen (recipe anyone?), or how to weave, and I’d love to get good at sewing. The list goes on and on. Skillshare will definitely be a part of our learning this year along with all those tutorials I’ve pinned.

And lastly, we want to take the time to enjoy where we’re at and get out of the habit of just getting things done and moving on. We want to learn how to plan for the future but live in the moment.

What are your five things you want out of 2015?

Jamie BartlettFive things for 2015

The Ultimate Guide to Shape Layers in After Effects

Jake Blog Post Animation, Class, Design, Motion Graphics, Skillshare 3956 Views

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m teaching a second Skillshare class!

This new class will give you all the knowledge you need to start making animations using shape layers. You’ll learn everything there is to know about one of After Effect’s most powerful tools! Through the class, you’ll be creating an animation like this one:

You can sign up using this link: http://skl.sh/1vR3966

JakeThe Ultimate Guide to Shape Layers in After Effects

Shop Small and Get a Free Holiday Art Print

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Christmas, Etsy, Holiday, Sale, Shop Small 2455 Views

It’s my favorite shopping day of the year, Small Business Saturday! Now through Monday, December 1st we are giving you all 25% everything in our shop. Wahoo! But there is still more! We are also including an 8×10 Merry and Bright art print with every order as our way to wish you a Merry Christmas and say thank you for all your love and support! So head on over to our shop and use code: SHOPSMALL14

Jamie BartlettShop Small and Get a Free Holiday Art Print

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