
Jake Blog Post 1052 Views

Jamie and I accomplished our next life goal together since getting a shirt printed at goodjoe. Last week’s woot theme was Japan, our design placed third in the derby competition, and it was printed! You can see it for sale here:

As I mentioned, the theme was Japan, and one of the rules was that if you had text it would have to be in Japanese. So with a little help of google’s translator, we found the characters for “Spork” and “It’s the new chopstick” in Japanese. That’s what the shirt says, and it was verified by a Japanese-savy user on woot.

We’re both very excited, and can’t wait to get our shirts in the mail. Woot pays $1000 to the designer of every shirt they print, plus $2 for every shirt sold after the first 24 hours. It’s quite an accomplishment.
