Dreamer or Planner

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1126 Views

I have this bad habit of dreaming about things, big or small and how I would like them to be. Its probably kind of childish of me, but I do it anyway. So I thought today I would let you into my little dream world and share with you my, well, dreams.

I dream of owning our own letterpress shop where Jake and I can drink coffee, be inspired, and make art.

We could sleep in til 9 or get up to see the sun rise.

We would have a house with a big front porch and a backyard for our Dalmatian (and don’t worry mom probably a cute little kid or two).

Jake would like to move back to Michigan…maybe we will

I’d love to teach art classes for unprivileged kids.

I would also love to have our worked featured on a website or published in a magazine. Hmm maybe even write our own book.

That’s not too much to ask for, right?

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. – Gloria Steinem

I’m not dreaming. I’m planning.

Jamie BartlettDreamer or Planner