Birthday Girl

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1218 Views

Today is my birthday!!! I think that deserves a few exclamation points. I’m a whopping 23 years old, although I still feel 19. We had my party yesterday. It was such a fun time with friends. The weather was beautiful and everything was just lovely. Jake and his brother Aaron took some good pictures so I’ll be posting some later this week. Tonight Jake is taking me out to dinner and our good friends, Jake and Erika are coming too! My birthday can’t get any better. I’m so blessed.

6 reasons why I love birthdays (all birthdays not just my own)

  1. You’re automatically the winner at any game, or at least people will go easier on you.
  2. You get whatever you want just by saying “but it’s my birthday”
  3. Presents of course
  4. Yummy Cake
  5. A good excuse for a party.
  6. And best of all you feel so loved by all the Happy Birthday wishes.
Jamie BartlettBirthday Girl