Finders Keepers: Fabulous Fringe Paper Dolls

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1440 Views

I don’t know about you, but we’re pretty big J.J. Abrams fans around here. We were loyal Lost fans even until the end (but we won’t get into that discussion). When Fringe first came out, we started watching it solely based on the fact that is was created by J.J. Abrams. From the first episode we were hooked. It basically started out as a now-a-days version of The X-Files, which Jake and I are also huge fans of (we even dressed up as Scully and Mulder for Halloween last year). In the most recent season it has started to move away from the X-files-esque structure, but it’s still pretty interesting. Season 4 premieres tonight, so I thought it only appropriate to post accordingly.

Source: Fringe Mythology (click on the images to be directed to where you can download them)
Aren’t they just hilarious? They are a perfect representation of each character. It would be fun to make them before the premiere tonight. 

Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Fabulous Fringe Paper Dolls