It’s Truly an Inspiration!

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1676 Views

Sorry I’m posting so late in the day. I got distracted a little with other things and then we decided to venture out in the snow and go snow shoeing (pictures to come).

Yesterday I mentioned that we want to consolidate our identity for A Pair of Pears. We don’t want to completely redesign, just develop more of a concrete look. We’re actually really excited about it. Be ready for some fabulous changes in the future.

Before we start doing anything for our identity we wanted to have a clear vision of what we want the finished product to be. We searched around online for some inspirational images that show the direction we are wanting to go. I thought I would share with you what we found.

There you have it. What do you think? If you have any other things you think might inspire and encourage our creative process we would love to see! 

Jamie BartlettIt’s Truly an Inspiration!