Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1999 Views

 The Strange Planet from The Good Machinery
Animag Photo Stands from Photojojo

DIY animal rack from Craft Zine
Candle holder from The Sweetest Occasion

Ocean Blue Bear from Bubblegum Belles

Ornaments from Young House Love

Jar toppers from House to Home
I’ve been noticing a lot of animals roaming around the internet lately and I have to say I’m quite smitten by them. I love all the bright colors and clever uses for the cute little creatures. As of right now we have two porcelain animals gracing our living room decor: a rhinoceros and an elephant. I think they could use a few more friends. Now it’s just deciding which of these ideas I want to try first. 
Jamie BartlettLions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!