Vintage Campers

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Jake and I are taking a mini road trip to meet up with my parents for a few days in Arizona. We haven’t seen them since the beginning of last summer, so a visit is long over due. I love my parents and I can’t wait to spend some good quality time with them. I think we even have a bike ride planned for the weekend! I’ll probably be updating my Instagram throughout the weekend so if you would like to follow along–our username is apairofpears.

I used to love road trips; but driving 14 hours back and forth from college to home for four years kind of took the fun out of it. There wasn’t any exploring involved. It just became a start to finish trip with nothing fun in between. I’m hoping this trip refreshes my love for the road. Now if only one of these vintage campers were involved. ..
From left to right: 1. Enjoy Cupcakes via Style Me Pretty; 2. Jane Frosh;
3. Honeybean Boutique;  4. Oh So Lovely Vintage; 5. Poppytalk
Don’t you just want to drive around with one of these, spend an afternoon lounging in one, or better yet buy something sweet from one? I’ll take all of the above please. It got me thinking how cool would it be to renovate one and give it a fun paint job? I’ll put it on my “someday list”.
Jamie BartlettVintage Campers