Love is an Adventure (in Michigan)

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Remember way back this summer when Jake and I went to Michigan? Yeah, well these are the rest of the pictures that I never got around to posting. The lettering on the picture above was from a project I did for a client. I loved how it turned out so I had to share it.
Our life has definitely been feeling like quite the adventure lately. All good and exciting things just lots of changes, goal setting, and hard work happening. We’re finishing this year strong and anticipating all the goodness 2015 has to offer. I’m sure there will be an in depth post coming to the blog at some point…anyway back to Michigan.
Neither of us had been to Michigan when it wasn’t covered with feet of snow since our wedding. While we love getting to experience Michigan winters (for a few weeks at a time), it was so nice to get out into the woods and see all the greenery this beautiful state has to offer. I grew up with 40 acres of woods to explore and something about Michigan’s woods is so nostalgic and magical to me. 
Also funny story…we went into these woods with my Grandpa’s Leica film camera because we thought it would be fun to get some shots on film and take advantage of not having this type of landscape to shoot very often. Well we did exactly that only to find out later all the film pictures we had been taking throughout our entire trip never got exposed on the roll of film. The film never caught onto the spool so we didn’t get any. Needless to say we were pretty bummed. 

This trip was so fun and relaxing and I’m finding myself wishing we could go back soon. Michigan if you treat us this good every time we visit we might just have to stop by more often. I’m thinking I might need a good ol’ Michigan fall fix one of these years.

Jamie BartlettLove is an Adventure (in Michigan)