If I Could Be…

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 978 Views

I saw this on my friend Grace’s blog and since I have nothing else to do, I thought it would be fun to do.

If I could be a month, I’d be September.

If I could be a day of the week, I’d be Saturday.

If I could be a time of day, I’d be 3 p.m.

If I could be a sea animal, I’d be a Sea Turtle.

If I could be a direction, I’d be up.

If I could be a piece of furniture, I’d be an antique chair

If I could be a liquid, I’d be strawberry lemonade.

If I could be a gemstone, I’d be a pearl.

If I could be a tree, I’d be one that reaches the sky.

If I could be a tool, I’d be a paintbrush.

If I could be a flower, I’d be a mum.

If I could be a kind of weather, I’d be a cool Fall day.

If I could be a musical instrument, I’d be a piano.

If I could be a color, I’d be peacock blue.

If I could be an emotion, I’d be contentment.

If I could be a fruit, I’d be a strawberry.

If I could be a sound, I’d be rain on the roof.

If I could be an element, I’d be water.

If I could be a car, I would be a mini cooper.

If I could be a food, I’d be cupcakes.

If I could be a place, I’d be home.

If I could be a material, I’d be Bamboo cotton.

If I could be a taste, I’d taste like dark chocolate.

If I could be a scent, I’d be warm summer rain, mixed with fresh coffee and a hint of vanilla.

If I could be an object, I’d be an ampersand.

If I could be a body part, I’d be the mouth, so I could say nice things and kiss Jake anytime I want.

If I could be a facial expression, I’d be silly.

If I could be a song, I’d be Dream by Priscilla Ahn.

If I could be a pair of shoes, I would be bunny slippers.

Jamie BartlettIf I Could Be…