Morning Brew: A Good Day

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Ever since Jake surprised me with my new smart phone I’ve been taking advantage of the alarm clock feature where you can set your alarm to play any song on your phone. My previous phone just let you to play those hideous noises that are made to make you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. In order to avoid one more morning of awful sounds, I quickly took action and downloaded one of my favorite songs appropriately titled A Good Day (Morning Song) by Priscilla Ahn and let me tell you my mornings just got better. It still takes me a while to fully wake up, but between this song and Jake bringing me fresh coffee, I can now face the morning without a frown.

Source: Jay B Sauceda
Jay B Sauceda is a photographer from Texas. I love his Sign Painters project full of now weathered hand-painted typography. His photos make me wish we had more of this type of signage nowadays. 
Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: A Good Day