Knitting 101

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Lately I’ve been in a mood for Fall. Fall is my favorite season. You get to start wearing warmer clothes and drinking hot apple cider. I’m getting excited just thinking about it. I love all things Fall! I came across a bunch of knitted items and thought they were so lovely, so in an effort to help Fall hurry up and get here, I decided to learn how to knit (or rather re-learn). I taught myself back in high school, but forgot everything. In my quest to re-learn knitting I found this blog called Craft Snob where there are videos on the basics of knitting. They we so easy to follow that I re-learned all the basics last night! The headband pictured below is first on my list to make. My friend Erika also knits, so I think a knitting night will be in the works very soon.

Source Left to Right: 1. Cozy Blanket;  2. Headband;  3. Men’s Tie;  4. Semolina Octopus;  5. Tea Cozy;  
6. Peruvian Legwarmers;  7. Lace Legwarmers

Some of these projects are probably out of my reach for a while, but I can dream. Jake and I are headed to Michigan for Christmas this year. It’s the perfect excuse to learn something new for the cold weather.

Jamie BartlettKnitting 101