A Pair of Pears Design

Jake Blog Post 1222 Views

Well it’s a long time coming, but over the weekend Jamie and I put in about 20 hours of work to officially finish our very first design gallery! You can go check it out by clicking the design button up on the navigation pane, or by clicking here. Here are a few screenshots of a couple of the pages.

Since these pages aren’t part of blogger, I had to recreate the code from scratch. It was definitely a challenge because I’ve never taken any up to date classes on web design. But because I forced myself to get it done and to do it right, I learned SO much in the process that now I want to keep doing it! (Jamie can’t believe I would ever say that).

If you take a look you’ll see that there are a handful of new designs that we’ve never talked about before.  Plus we have projects in the works that we’re very excited about. We are also now offering our design services to all. If you’re interested in having something designed, just shoot us an email at hello@apairofpears.com and we can get you pricing information. There’s just so much new content coming to our blog! We hope you enjoy it!

JakeA Pair of Pears Design