Dry-Ink: Smart Texturing In Photoshop (and Giveaway)

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Class, Graphic Design, Skillshare, Typography 3945 Views

As I’m sure most of you know, Jake teaches on Skillshare. And guess what?! Now I do too! It took some (ok a lot) of convincing/encouragement from Jake, but I finally gave in and did it. I couldn’t be more excited with how the class turned out. To celebrate, I’m even doing a rubber stamp contest for those who complete


Jamie BartlettDry-Ink: Smart Texturing In Photoshop (and Giveaway)

Tutorial: Learn How To Add Texture to Text

Jamie Bartlett Tutorial Graphic Design, Hand Lettering, Tutorial, Typography 23832 Views

Some of you guys have been asking how I add texture to my lettering so I thought it would be fun to share a little tutorial with you. It’s pretty easy, but if you have any questions be sure to let me know. I’d love to see your results if you end up trying it out! STEP ONE: Start by


Jamie BartlettTutorial: Learn How To Add Texture to Text

It’s All in the Details

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Branding, Graphic Design, Shop 1910 Views

One of my favorite things about our rebrand is the new stamp we designed that now gets hand stamped on the back of every art print as we package it up to send out to it’s new home. It’s a fun little touch that I love. After all it’s all in the details right? Go check out our shop and


Jamie BartlettIt’s All in the Details

Printable Tags for The Kitchn’s Cookies

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Christmas, Graphic Design, Holiday, Recipe 1812 Views

I love getting to work with The Kitchn. So when they asked me if I would design some cookie tags to pair with their cookie recipes, I didn’t hesitate to say yes! They always post the most yummy looking recipes and for the holidays they shared 5 cookie recipes that you can make and give as gifts using the coordinating


Jamie BartlettPrintable Tags for The Kitchn’s Cookies

His & Hers: Tools of the Trade

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Graphic Design, His and Hers, Motion Graphics 2746 Views

Jake and I are both creatives but we use very different things to make our little works of art. Here are some of our favorite things we each use on a daily basis. It’s always fun finding new and helpful things to keep us creating. So if you know of any special pens, apps, tech, or any materials for that


Jamie BartlettHis & Hers: Tools of the Trade

Dana’s Fall Sugar & Spice Baby Shower

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Baby Shower, California, Fall, Graphic Design, Handlettering, Invitation, Party, Typography 11384 Views

I love throwing parties for our close friends. It’s so fun to plan all the little details that make the event so special. Erika and I started planning Dana’s shower back in August. Dana is originally from the midwest and fall in the midwest is as we all know pretty perfect. Dana loves fall so we wanted to bring that


Jamie BartlettDana’s Fall Sugar & Spice Baby Shower

His & Her Project: What Does the Fox Say

Jake Blog Post Animation, Collaboration, Graphic Design, His & Her Project, Illustration, Motion Graphics, Typography, Video 2122 Views

Get excited; today marks the first product of our His & Her Project! We picked a phrase that has been blowing up on the internet for the last few weeks. If you haven’t seen Ylvis’ “The Fox” yet, you owe it to yourself to go see what all the fuss is about. It’s a music video for a silly song that’s


JakeHis & Her Project: What Does the Fox Say

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