The Face of Type “F”

Jake Blog Post 1380 Views

It’s December first! You know what that means: snow days! Snowmen! Snow angels! Snow banks! And best of all, Christmas! Our celebration of Christmas went into full swing the day after Thanksgiving, but there’s just something about it being December that really jumpstarts the festivities. We’re almost ready to send out our own Christmas cards, and we’re throwing our second annual Bartlett Christmas party next Saturday that we can’t wait to tell you all about. 
To put your desktop wallpaper in the Christmas mood, here is a festive wallpaper for you to display all month long. This moth’s font is Futura, and is probably one of our favorite sans serif fonts. We use it in a lot of our own designs.
Font Fun Fact: Wes Anderson uses Futura in all of his films. 
Below are links to download images based on your screen’s resolution. If your resolution isn’t available just leave a comment with your desired resolution and we would be happy to add another size to our list.

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JakeThe Face of Type “F”