Live With Art

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1073 Views

Beautiful floral painting by Lulie Wallace. It makes me want to paint again.
Drawing with Vintage Photo by Spencer Studio. This is such a fun and interesting piece. I remember having to do this kind of project in my high school art class. I would love to try this concept with one of my grandparents’ old photographs.

As soon as I saw this Dog Silhouette over on Design Sponge I decided that when we get a dog, I will be painting one of these. I love the bright pink with the more neutral colors. Of course our dog wil be a dalmatian so I’ll have to work some spots in.

Jake really likes astronomy. Every time we go out at night he points out all the different constellations. I think this Night Sky Map would be fun to have. Stars are so romantic. 
Now if only we had wall space for all these!
Jamie BartlettLive With Art