The Face of Type “G”

Jake Blog Post 1436 Views

Can you believe we’re already into the second month of the year? It feels like it’s taken us this long just to get back into our regular routine since Christmas. Dont tell anyone, but we didn’t even take our Christmas tree down until last weekend! 
In case you hadn’t noticed, we kind of dropped the ball last month with the Face of Type for January. We just got caught up in being in Michigan for Christmas, and didn’t get around to finishing it. But this month we came through with a new wallpaper for you to download!
Font Fun Fact: Gotham was used in Barack Obama’s memorable 2008 presidential campaign (most notably his “Hope” poster by Shepard Fairey).
Below are links to download images based on your screen’s resolution. If your resolution isn’t available just leave a comment with your desired resolution and we would be happy to add another size to our list.

Please read the Conditions of Use before downloading files from A Pair of Pears.

JakeThe Face of Type “G”