Paul McCartney in Hollywood

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Jamie and I were fortunate enough to get a clear view of Sir Paul McCartney receiving his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame yesterday afternoon! There were hundreds of people there, and we were a good 75 feet away from the podium. Luckily, Jamie was able to see through the crowd, and I had long enough arms to get my camera above everyone else’s. It was so much fun getting to see and hear him in person! Neil Young was also there to talk a bit before Paul did. What a cool experience.

The head of the Walk of Fame was talking for what seemed like forever before Paul finally got to speak. The crowd was getting pretty tired of it, and Paul played along by making all of those faces. 
It was pretty hard to tell what my camera was pointed at because the sun was directly above us. But I just turned on the continuously fire mode on, held the shutter down, and did my best to point it in his direction. I ended up with over 200 pictures, but these were the ones that turned out the best. We can’t tell our future children cool stories of how we saw The Beatles, but at least we can tell them we were there when Paul McCartney got his star. 

JakePaul McCartney in Hollywood