Kony 2012

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 995 Views

Sorry this post is coming so late in the day. I had some stuff I had to take care of for work this morning.

Today I want to share something with you that is really important to me. You might have seen it on the news or posted around the internet this past week. It’s the Kony 2012 film by Invisible Children. Way back when I was a freshman in College (ok not wayyyy back, but a few years ago) Invisible Children came and spoke to our school about the war in Uganda; a war that has been going on since before I was born. Their first film was very moving and very effective to start the process of ending the war. However the rebel leader Joseph Kony is still out there abducting innocent children and forcing them to be soldiers. Through their work, Invisible Children have made the Ugandan child visible to the world, but Joseph Kony is a name still unknown to many. The goal of this project (Kony 2012) is to make Joseph Kony famous. Not in a good way, but as a way to raise awareness about who he is and the atrocities he is committing. It’s time this war was put to an end. So watch the video, become aware and share it with a friend.

Jamie BartlettKony 2012