Green Smoothie

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1793 Views

There is quite the green smoothie fad going around. I admit I was a little skeptical at first; and I even like vegetables. About two weeks ago I came across a recipe for a green smoothie on Iowa Girl Eats. It had only a few (normal) ingredients in it and they were all things I already liked. So I finally caved and decided to see if this glass of green goop was as good as everyone was making it out to be. And what do you know? It was delicious! I’ve had one almost ever morning since. That’s approximately 20 cups of spinach I normally would not have eaten!
So far I’ve only tried this recipe. There are tons of different variations out there, but I like to keep it simple. Especially for breakfast when it can be hard at times to make anything. This way I don’t have to think about it. I’m sure I will be wanting to change it up a bit soon. What are some green smoothie recipes you recommend?
Jamie BartlettGreen Smoothie