Holiday Gift Wrapping Party Printables

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables 2273 Views

Today I have some more holiday goodies for you! Cyd from The Sweetest Occasion and I teamed up again to bring you more paper goods. This time we put together a fill-in party invitation and a set of gift tags to help you host a gift wrapping party! Doesn’t that sound like a perfect afternoon?
Design by A Pair of Pears. | Styling by Cyd Converse. | Photos by Alice G. Patterson.
You can grab the free gift wrapping printables over at The Sweetest Occasion. Be sure to read Cyd’s suggestions for hosting a gift wrapping party. And don’t forget to pop in your favorite holiday movie while you wrap. I would recommend While You Where Sleeping. I just love that movie. 

Jamie BartlettHoliday Gift Wrapping Party Printables