Sweet Dreams Printable for This Little Street

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Art, For the Taking, Hand Lettering, Printable 4191 Views

There seems to be quite a few babies being born lately. My Instagram, Facebook and Bloglovin feed all seem to being filling up with cute chubby faces. I can’t say I mind though. Audrey of This Little Street just had a sweet baby girl a few weeks ago and she is so precious. While she is off getting to know


Jamie BartlettSweet Dreams Printable for This Little Street

Let’s Get Better

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables For the Taking, Home, Inspiration, Printable 5349 Views

And by us I mean me. I’ve decided my routine needs a bit of an overhaul. Things have gotten a little too out of hand over here. I’m starting off small, adjusting one thing at a time and first up is: Our Apartment Lately, ok let’s be real, I’ve never been the greatest at keeping things picked up around the


Jamie BartlettLet’s Get Better

Merry & Bright Free Holiday Printable

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Art, Christmas, For the Taking, Hand Lettering, Holiday, Printable, Typography 11618 Views

Here is a little something to deck your halls this holiday season. I couldn’t resist doing some holiday handletteing. We decorated our apartment last night and put this art print on our mantel. You can download the art print here. Then just print it out on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of cardstock and cut to an 8×10 using the


Jamie BartlettMerry & Bright Free Holiday Printable

Outdoor Movie Night Printables for The Kitchn

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Design, For the Taking, Party, Printable 2949 Views

It’s no surprise that people here in LA are serious about their movies/movie going experience. That’s why I was thrilled when The Kitchn came to me asking if I would design a few printables for an outdoor movie party they were planning for their gathering series. The stylist had a few colors in mind but basically let me do what


Jamie BartlettOutdoor Movie Night Printables for The Kitchn

2013 Printable Calendar for Emma Magazine

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Calendar, Design, For the Taking, Paper Goods, Printable 4007 Views

We’re back! Thanks for your understanding and patience as we took a little break from the blog to enjoy our family this holiday season. You guys truly are the best! I thought it would be great to start off 2013 with a printable calendar for you! I teamed up with Emma Magazine for their January issue. Think Martha for 20-somethings. Their magazine


Jamie Bartlett2013 Printable Calendar for Emma Magazine

Holiday Gift Wrapping Party Printables

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Design, For the Taking, Invitation, Paper Goods, Party, Printable 2289 Views

Today I have some more holiday goodies for you! Cyd from The Sweetest Occasion and I teamed up again to bring you more paper goods. This time we put together a fill-in party invitation and a set of gift tags to help you host a gift wrapping party! Doesn’t that sound like a perfect afternoon? Design by A Pair of Pears.


Jamie BartlettHoliday Gift Wrapping Party Printables

Black Friday Printable: Charlie Brown Christmas

Jake Blog Post, Printables Christmas, For the Taking, Graphic Design, Holiday, Typography 11028 Views

I hope everybody had a successful and enjoyable shopping day today. Jamie and I found lots of great deals online this year from the comfort of our living room. Last year we designed (and I animated) a graphic of Linus’ Christmas speech from A Charlie Brown Christmas. Since then we’ve had lots of people ask where they could buy the


JakeBlack Friday Printable: Charlie Brown Christmas

Making A List: Christmas Gift Record Printable

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Christmas, Design, For the Taking, Holiday, Printable 14624 Views

There are a few smart people out there that have already gotten all of their Christmas shopping done. Then there are people like me that haven’t really even started. I always have a hard time choosing what to get people so I end up putting it off hoping the perfect gift will fall right in my lap. Once Black Friday


Jamie BartlettMaking A List: Christmas Gift Record Printable

Thanksgiving Printables for The Sweetest Occasion

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Design, For the Taking, Holiday, Printable, Thanksgiving 1409 Views

Remember last month when I designed some Halloween printables for The Sweetest Occasion? Well I’m excited to announce that Cyd and I will be teaming up on a regular basis to bring you more lovely free printables! Today I have some Thanksgiving labels along with a matching card for you. The labels are multi-functional and can be used as place cards, buffet food labels or even marking leftovers (that is


Jamie BartlettThanksgiving Printables for The Sweetest Occasion

Halloween Printables for The Sweetest Occasion

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables For the Taking, Invitation, Paper Goods, Party, Printable 1489 Views

Last month I received an email from the lovely Cyd of The Sweetest Occasion. I have been a fan of her wonderful blog for a while now so you can only imagine the sheer giddiness I felt when she asked me if I would design a printable for her blog. As you can guess I of course said yes. Then I grabbed my pencil


Jamie BartlettHalloween Printables for The Sweetest Occasion

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