Relax This Year

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We still have few more days to enjoy with our family before heading home. I’ve been tying to enjoy every minute, but sometimes I can’t help but stress over the list of things I need to get done that are just waiting for me as soon as I get home. Like this blog for instance. I haven’t been posting much. I worry that every day I don’t post I missing an opportunity to better our blog. Like I’m falling behind in the blogging community. Or that I’m disappointing our readers. The ALT Summit conference is right around the corner and I still have lots to do to prepare for that too. Then I remember that the whole reason I wanted to quit my day job was so that I can do what makes me happy, not stress and worry.

I didn’t make any resolutions this year, but I have decided that this year is going to be better than the last. I’m going to slow down, enjoy the process and not stress about a million and one things. After all stressing never helps anything, right? Let’s relax this year!

Jamie BartlettRelax This Year