Daily Dishonesty

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Design, Poster, Typography 1999 Views

  I just came across this project Lauren Hom is doing called Daily Dishonesty. She is doing a whole series of hand lettered posters of little lies that she (and probably you too) tell yourself regularly. The type is so beautifully done and the quotes she comes up with are so witty. Not surprisingly I have told myself some of


Jamie BartlettDaily Dishonesty

Relax This Year

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Inspiration, Poster, Quote, Typography 1978 Views

Black and Type Shop We still have few more days to enjoy with our family before heading home. I’ve been tying to enjoy every minute, but sometimes I can’t help but stress over the list of things I need to get done that are just waiting for me as soon as I get home. Like this blog for instance. I haven’t been posting


Jamie BartlettRelax This Year

Type Posters

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Design, Poster, Typography 2050 Views

Show & Tell The Medium Control Anthony Burrill Graphic Anthology I love a good type poster. These are a few I’m currently obsessing over.

Jamie BartlettType Posters

City Maps

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Decor, Maps, Poster, Printmaking 1295 Views

I love a good map. I especially love these screen printed ones from The Harbinger Co. They make me want to do some sort of map series for our shop. Maybe some day. For now I’ll just admire these and work on the hundreds of other ideas I have first. 

Jamie BartlettCity Maps

What Makes You Happy?

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Poster 1461 Views

Do it poster from Therese Sennerholt Webshop It’s as simple as that.

Jamie BartlettWhat Makes You Happy?

The Client is Not Always Right

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Graphic Design, Poster, Quote, Typography 1244 Views

Hand Drawn Typographic Poster by Nicolas Baillargeon We are all familiar with the saying “the customer is always right”. I get why they say that, but I think it is kind of silly. If you’re wrong–you’re wrong no matter who you are. So when I saw this poster I immediately laughed and felt an immense gratitude towards Enzo Ferrari who had the guts to say


Jamie BartlettThe Client is Not Always Right

Wise Words of Vincent Van Gogh

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Etsy, Poster, Quote, Typography 1469 Views

Van Gogh Quote from Oh My Dear Vincent Van Gogh has gotten a reputation of being one of those crazy and strange sorts of artists. That probably has something to do with the fact that he cut off his own ear. Yeah, that’s pretty strange. I do however think this quote from him is quite wise.

Jamie BartlettWise Words of Vincent Van Gogh

Happy Hot Dog Season

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Food, Graphic Design, Packaging, Poster, summer 2002 Views

Sources: 1. hot dog with sauerkraut 2. prolonged daschund art print 3. frank dog poster 4. hawaiian-style hot dog 5. “paper” hot dog trays 6. bacon wrapped sonoran hot dog 7. truecoffee hot dog packaging 8. hot dog mystery print Happy hot dog season! At our house we love a good grilled hot dog, preferably a little burnt. Jake likes


Jamie BartlettHappy Hot Dog Season

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