Finders Keepers: DIY Planters

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1649 Views

Spring has really been showing it’s face here in Southern California this past week and we’ve been loving every minute of it! We’ve taken an evening walk to get frozen yogurt, enjoyed a meal or two on our patio, and every morning when the warm sun comes around we open up all the windows to let in some fresh air.

All the warm weather has made me think about getting some more plants for our apartment. Right now we only have two little succulents.

Mini Copper Planters from Poppytalk
Cement Planters from Apartment Therapy

Each plant needs a cute pot to sit in. These are a few of my favorite diy planters finds. Maybe this Sunday we can take a stroll down to the farmer’s market and pick up a few more succulents.

Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: DIY Planters