The Slow Down Project

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Last week we challenged you to take a little time and slow down. We called it The Slow Down Project.  This is something Jake and I really value and have been trying to become more intentional about in our own lives. To help us stay accountable (because let’s face it remembering to take a break every so often can be challenging) we asked you to post pictures on Instagram of what you were doing and tag them with #theslowdownproject. We were so excited to see that a few people took up the challenge and slowed down with us! Some people enjoyed their lunch outside, had tea with friends, went on walks and even took the time to play with make-up. Isn’t that awesome?

Jake and I longboarded with Pixel down to the Coffee Bean Saturday for our morning coffee sat outside to enjoy the sun. It was so refreshing.

We would really like to continue this project, and see more people take some time to breathe. For now let’s keep posting pictures and sharing them with the tag #theslowdownproject for everyone to see.

We’re trying to think of ways to expand this project. Not sure what that would look like yet. If you have any thoughts or ideas on the project feel free to leave a comment and brain storm with us!

Photos from Instagram #theslowdownproject 

Jamie BartlettThe Slow Down Project