San Francisco

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We took a little trip up the coast last weekend to San Francisco. It was so nice to get away and enjoy some time with just the two of us. The city was beautiful. If New York and LA got together and had a baby city I think San Francisco would be it. 
Our first stop was the Painted Ladies. We both grew up watching Full House so there was no way we could pass this up. The park across the street was full of people picnicking and enjoying the warm sun. For some reason I had it in my head that this row of houses was kind of rare and random up against the rest of the city’s architecture. But actually I was surprised to find that a lot of the buildings are similar in style. 
The next morning we headed to the Ferry Building to grab some coffee and breakfast. Then we sat on the pier and watched the boats go by. I would do that every morning if I could. 
Did you ever watch that show last year called Alcatraz? Unfortunately it was canceled, but Jake and I really liked it. Ever since then we have wanted to tour Alcatraz so that’s exactly what we did. It was really neat, kind of creepy and sort of depressing. I can’t imagine what it would have been like to be a prisoner there. We also learned a ton of other facts about the Rock. Did you know children grew up on the island? Now that’s a conversation starter. 
Ever since our honeymoon when Jake and I rented bikes to ride around Mackinac Island we have made it our little tradition to take bikes to see the sites on our vacations. It’s so much fun. This trip we rode bikes across the Golden Gate bridge. The wind was crazy up there but it was well worth it. I think that was both of our favorite part of the trip. 
The trip was the perfect amount of running around seeing the sites and just relaxing. We’re glad to be back home with Pix though. Man did we miss that little guy. 
Jamie BartlettSan Francisco