Finders Keepers: Drop Cap Class with Jessica Hische

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1923 Views

I usually post Finders Keepers post on Fridays, but there is no way this one could wait until then.

Yesterday I got an email from Skillshare announcing early enrollment in a new class they will be offering in November. It’s called Introduction to Lettering: One Letterform at a Time and the best part is Jessica Hische is teaching it! I just about screamed with excitement when I saw this. She is my favorite typographer. I mean FAVORITE! If she was designing type and working her magic when I was little I would have said I wanted to be her when I grew up. Yeah, that’s how serious I am. As soon as I read the email I stopped everything I was doing and signed up.

I’m so excited for this one. I’m not sure how I’m going to wait until November.

Anyone up for taking it with me? Enroll here.

Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Drop Cap Class with Jessica Hische