WundaBody Challenge Completed

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Well my friends I officially completed the WundaBody Challenge I was participating in! It feels good to stick with and complete something. Even though I wasn’t really going into this challenge with a weight loss goal I did end up losing 8 pounds! Who could complain about that (well Jake probably would if he lost weight)!? 
I think I mentioned before that I did this challenge with my friend Erika. It was really great to have a friend to do it with. And it was also really interesting when we started challenging back in the foods that we had taken out of our diet for a few weeks. The first food we challenged back in was gluten. We had gluten with our dinner and poor Erika got a stomachache before she even finished her meal while I didn’t notice anything different. It wasn’t until the third day of eating gluten that I started to feel sick to my stomach and just weighed down. Erika continued to have symptoms when she challenged the other foods while the most I noticed was a feeling of heaviness. It’s hard to describe, but when I didn’t eat the seven foods I just felt better. It’s funny because I kept expecting myself to react more dramatically to one of the foods and I almost felt disappointed when nothing did. Jake had to keep reminding me that that was a good thing. 
Now that the challenge is over I’ve been thinking a lot about how I am going to incorporate all this new information into my day to day life. I didn’t want to do this diet for eight weeks and then completely waste everything I worked for by just going back and eating anything I wanted to again. So I decided that for the most part I would continue eating how I have been the past eight weeks because there isn’t any question that I just feel overall better and healthier eating this way. I’ll eat the other foods every so often, especially limiting gluten to every few days, so it doesn’t have a chance to build up in my body and make me sick. But most importantly I’ll just be listening to my body as it gives me feedback on what it needs and what it could do without. It’s different for everybody, but I think I know a little better now what’s best for me. I’m sure there will be a lot more Roasted Veggie Tostadas in my future. I’m not complaining about that!
Thanks WundaBar for letting me participate in the challenge! It has been great experience.  
Jamie BartlettWundaBody Challenge Completed