Let’s Get Better

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables 5173 Views

And by us I mean me. I’ve decided my routine needs a bit of an overhaul. Things have gotten a little too out of hand over here. I’m starting off small, adjusting one thing at a time and first up is: Our Apartment

Lately, ok let’s be real, I’ve never been the greatest at keeping things picked up around the house. Part of that has to do with the fact that we just get busy and at the end of the day when we’re tired we would honestly rather sit and watch some TV than do a bunch of dishes and mop bathroom floors.

My mom still jokes about how she misses her dining room table being covered with art supplies, because when I was still living at home that was my creative space. Pretty much all summer break you could count on the table being covered with paints, pencils, sketchbooks, the works. Creativity is messy. And even though that’s more often true than not at our house I’m kind of over having a messy space that you have to spend all weekend picking up. It tends to really put a damper on things, you know?

So all this to say. I’m vowing to get better. Not perfect, but better

Last week I re-found this pin I had pinned months ago and finally clicked past the image to see what it was all about. I really liked the idea of taking 15-20 minutes a day to clean a part of your house. I started this last week and customized the list to fit our apartment needs (I also added in laundry) and so far I’m loving it. I take the first 15-20 minutes after Jake leaves for work and clean whatever section is on my list for that day.

Here is what I’ve been doing each day

MONDAY – vacuum the floors
TUESDAY  clean our bathroom
WEDNESDAY  dust and mop floors
THURSDAY clean kitchen
FRIDAY – clean 2nd bathroom
WEEKEND – nothing!

You can download this weekly list and customize your cleaning routine. I’ll be hanging mine on the fridge. I think the key is to keep the list short, 1-2 things. I’ve seen other lists that go on and on and it’s just so much that I end up not doing anything. This is way more doable.

Mom, you would be so proud, we even managed to make our bed and the kitchen never once had a pile of dishes on the counter! Our apartment still isn’t perfect, but it’s come a long way from where it was. It’s better. I’m getting better.

Jamie BartlettLet’s Get Better