Family Staycation

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Back in July some of my family came out to visit us. I completely forgot that I never posted any pictures of their stay. We always love when people come to California. It makes us take a break from our routine, get out and go places. 
I realized when I started going through the pictures we took, most of them were of my niece. I guess when you have a niece this cute it’s hard to find anything else worth taking pictures of. So get ready for a whole bunch of cuteness. 
We spent a long day at the beach, running in and out of the water, jumping over the waves and playing in the sand. I found out that everything is more exciting with a little kid around. 
We took my niece to get her hair done in Sleeping Beauty’s castle. It was so sweet how they treated all the little girls. They made it really magical.  
Jake and Jocelynn were buddies the entire time at the zoo. They found all the animals together. 
And of course we had to go to In-N-Out while there were here. 
Jocelyn and Pixel were two peas in a pod. They were so funny together. Pixel loved catching all the bubbles.
Our visits with family never seem to be long enough. We enjoyed every minute of it and can’t wait until we see them again at Thanksgiving. 
Jamie BartlettFamily Staycation