New Website Design!

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, News, Website 2618 Views

Drumroll please… As you can see we re-designed our website! It’s has been in the making since the beginning of January. Jake spent numerous nights coding late into the night. You can thank him for the cool fade rollovers on the navigation. That’s probably my favorite part. We are so excited to finally be able to show it off. It took us a little while to decide on


Jamie BartlettNew Website Design!

Welcome to the Family, Mr. Vandercook!

Jake Blog Post Letterpress, News 1409 Views

As promised, here is some more information on our exciting Facebook announcement from Friday! We have been in the process of having a new letterpress refinished and shipped to us since early November. It has been slow and frustrating trying to get something that can print the size we want, while staying within our price range. Ever since we purchased


JakeWelcome to the Family, Mr. Vandercook!

More Design Please

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post News 1591 Views

We are so excited to be featured as the Shop of the Month on More Design Please for the month of November! More Design Please is one of our favorite blogs; it dishes out design by the spoonfuls. You can read the lovely post written about us here.

Jamie BartlettMore Design Please