For the Taking: To Do List

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables 9549 Views

I’m a big list maker. I can think of a thousand things to do, but I can’t start any of them until I have them all nicely written out on in a list. My favorite part is being able to mark a big black line right through them when I complete the task. Usually, I just find a scrap piece of paper laying around to jot my list on, but eventually throughout the week it’s mistaken for trash a gets thrown away. In an effort to rescue my list from the garbage bin I have put together a weekly to do list that can easily be printed, filled out and hung up at my desk for the week. I wanted to share it with you too so I am making it available to download. After all it is getting to be that busy time of year so we could all benefit from a good to do list to keep us organized and on track!

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Jamie BartlettFor the Taking: To Do List