Snow Day

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One of my favorite things as a kid was when my mom would come in my room early in the morning while I was still asleep and whisper “it’s a snow day. School is canceled”. That’s the best news any kid could hear. Not only do you not have to sit in class all day, but there is plenty of snow outside to play in. 
Up here in Traverse City there has been an unusually small amount of snow. The ground hasn’t been completely covered yet, but we have managed to play in what we have had a little. Today we are spending our day relaxing, playing games, and sipping hot cocoa while wrapped in blankets (lots of blankets). We’ll probably end up watching our favorite disney movie, 101 Dalmatians. I’d say that makes for a pretty good snow day. What do you like to do on a snow day?
Jamie BartlettSnow Day