Massive Health Info Graphics

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1617 Views

My friend and I were talking the other day about how we miss taking classes. I don’t miss the late nights doing homework or the stress of keeping my grade up–I miss learning. Lately nutrition has interested me. There is so much more to food than the number of calories in it.

This morning I came across some beautifully designed info graphics on nutrition and health over on Massive Health. They are really interesting and of couse fun to look at and read. One graphic rated Los Angeles as the 3rd healthiest city! I guess that’s good news for me. Here are a few tidbits from the graphics. Be sure to click on the links below each image to read the entire graphic.

Bananas vs Cookies

With that said I would love to take a nutrition class or even just read a good book on the subject. Anybody know of any good resources? Maybe a blog, book or website?

Jamie BartlettMassive Health Info Graphics