Our Weekend

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I hope everybody had a wonderful weekend. It’s pretty hard not to when the sun is shining and you have time to just relax with your family. That’s what weekends at the Bartlett’s are all about. We spent a lot of time at the dog park with Pixel making new friends and then coming home and spending the afternoon on the couch reading and watching lots of Prison Break. You know those tv shows that just pull you in and are so crazy you just have to know what’s going to happen next? Prison Break is definitely one of those. Although I can’t say I’m too happy about how season 3 is going. Sometimes I wish writers would just write happy endings. It’s not that hard. Disney does it all the time. 
When we were able to press pause for a bit we ventured out and found this new park. It’s a small park that’s kind of hidden. We drive by it all the time on the highway and have always wondered how you get to it. So we did a little exploring and found it. We spent the morning laying in the grass and just relaxing. And then of course we went home and watched more Prison Break. 
Jamie BartlettOur Weekend