Weekend Forecast

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post LA, summer, Weekend 1267 Views

I’m predicting sunny days, BBQs and afternoons by the pool this weekend. See you Monday!

Jamie BartlettWeekend Forecast

Oh Yeah!

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Handlettering, Weekend 1284 Views

It’s Friday! Wahoo! It’s supposed to be a warm one this weekend so we might head to the beach and soak up some sun. How about you? Do you have any plans?

Jamie BartlettOh Yeah!

Stay Cozy

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Weekend, Winter 2479 Views

We’re getting some much needed rain here in SoCal today and it looks like it’s not leaving anytime soon or at least until Monday. We’re going to take full advantage of this rare gloomy weather and wear all our comfy sweaters and cozy socks. There will also be plenty of soup consumption this weekend. Here’s to a relaxing weekend at


Jamie BartlettStay Cozy

An Afternoon of Apple Picking

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, Fall, Weekend 3124 Views

Growing up in Michigan, apple picking was a fall tradition for our family. Luckily there are a few orchards not too far from LA so we can continue going. We went this past weekend and it was perfect fall weather! You know, sweater weather. We all got to fill our little bags up with apples and press our own cider!


Jamie BartlettAn Afternoon of Apple Picking

Labor Day Weekend

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Dogs, Holiday, Photography, Pixel, Weekend 2033 Views

Besides starting our new collaborative project over the weekend, we spent a good amount of time at the dog park snapping photos with our new camera. We had a few people ask us to do a review on our camera so we plan to do that soon once we have a little more time to play with it. So far


Jamie BartlettLabor Day Weekend

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post LA, Los Angeles, summer, Weekend 1207 Views

Jake and I really aren’t that into sports. We don’t make our schedules around when the games are on and we don’t have a lot of team paraphernalia decorating our home. But we do like to occasionally watch a few games here and there and when we do we really enjoy it. Over the weekend we caught a Dodger’s game


Jamie BartlettTake Me Out to the Ball Game

I like today

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Weekend 1650 Views

I like today. For a few reasons. When I woke up this morning I wasn’t tired. That rarely happens for me. Usually I roll out of bed when I hear Jake making coffee and even then I plop right down on the couch for a few more seconds of shut eye. Not today though. I felt refreshed. I like it


Jamie BartlettI like today

Our Weekend

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Family, Holiday, Pixel, Weekend 1551 Views

I hope everybody had a wonderful weekend. It’s pretty hard not to when the sun is shining and you have time to just relax with your family. That’s what weekends at the Bartlett’s are all about. We spent a lot of time at the dog park with Pixel making new friends and then coming home and spending the afternoon on the couch


Jamie BartlettOur Weekend

Beat the Heat

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Style, summer, Weekend 1133 Views

This weekend we are in for a hot one. It supposed to be in the 90’s everyday until the middle of next week! I hate wasting weekends doing nothing so instead of sitting inside waiting for it to cool down I think I will grab a cute hat, a cool treat and a good read. Whether or not I will be inside or outside


Jamie BartlettBeat the Heat

Our Weekend

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Weekend 1386 Views

We had quite the weekend, which leaves us completely exhausted today. We spent most of Saturday running around picking up last minute supplies for Pixel’s birthday party and then baking lots of human and dog goodies. Sunday we ran over to the Rose Bowl Flea Market for a quick gander and then came back home to set up for Pixel’s party. Is was


Jamie BartlettOur Weekend

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