Outdoor Movie Night Printables for The Kitchn

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables 2964 Views

It’s no surprise that people here in LA are serious about their movies/movie going experience. That’s why I was thrilled when The Kitchn came to me asking if I would design a few printables for an outdoor movie party they were planning for their gathering series. The stylist had a few colors in mind but basically let me do what I wanted. I designed popcorn labels that you can use to dress up plain brown paper lunch bags and also a menu sign you can set up and have all the goodies and snacks listed out for guests to choose from. 

They did such a great job making the backyard comfortable and cozy. I’ve already decided that one of the first parties I’m going to throw when I get a house with a backyard will be one like this.
Photography by Leela Cyd Ross

Jamie BartlettOutdoor Movie Night Printables for The Kitchn