Work Happy With Poppin.

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 4052 Views

Over the weekend Jake and I rearranged our office. We decided to move some things around and organize a little. Poppin sent us some wonderful things to help our desk stay neat and tidy!
When we opened the box of goodies from Poppin, there was a lot of oohing and ahhing going on. Their stuff is so cool! I was especially excited about the scissors. I have been in desperate need of a new pair for a very long time. The ones I had could barely cut a piece of string. Yeah I know, that’s pretty pathetic. These ones cut perfectly and did I mention they look amazing too?
I love their packaging! Just simple nice white boxes with the item’s silhouette on the outside. Some of the items also had witty little names and phrases on the boxes. Like the indispensable tape dispenser and the get-it-together stackable inboxes
My mom and sister couldn’t keep their hands off these pens. So far five are MIA. 
The little pink eraser has stolen my heart. Isn’t it the cutest?
Thanks for all the goodies Poppin!
postcards from our shop

Jamie BartlettWork Happy With Poppin.