Let’s Play Nice

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 2671 Views

Jake and I love blogs. Whoever invented these little things is brilliant. I love being able to get an inside look into the everyday lives of people I’ve never met, but now call friends. I love that I get to watch babies grow up, couples get married, and even seemingly insignificant events in bloggers lives. That’s why Jake and I decided to start a blog too. We wanted to share our lives with our family, our friends, and the world. This blog is just that: our little spot on the world wide web to share our lives with whoever is interested and wants to come along for the ride. I want to be real with you guys. I feel like a lot of you really have become my friends, people I can get advice from and laugh with. So first let me say thank you to all my readers who have been so sweet and encouraging to me has I pursue my dreams and live out my life. I couldn’t be more gracious to you guys. You really are the best.

But the truth is, everyone can’t be as awesome as you guys. Some people are rude and just plain hurtful.

Yesterday I updated you on the WundaBody challenge I am participating in. It’s something I’m excited about, so naturally I wanted to share my experience with you guys.  However, one anonymous reader posted a comment that came across as very hurtful and degrading everything I am doing in this challenge. It made me think that maybe they just didn’t understand what I’m doing this challenge for or even what the purpose of my blog is. So I want to step back and clarify a few things just in clase I wasn’t clear enough in my previous post. In a nutshell, this challenge is my little search for a better, healthier life. That can mean a lot of things for a lot of people; but for me as of right now it means trying to eat healthier foods and work out regularly. I’m giving up foods that could potentially be harming me (or potentially not) but I won’t know until I test them. So far I can honestly say I am feeling great and that’s what is important.

I’m in no way saying that you guys need to go out and do what I’m doing. I’m simply just sharing my life with you.

And finally, I am not getting paid for writing any of these posts. The lovely people at WundaBar are allowing me to participate in their program and I am very grateful to them for making it available to me in this way.

So again, thank you to all my supportive readers. I love you guys!

I happily welcome comments and feedback. I LOVE hearing from you guys! But please refrain from posting rude content. It’s not constructive. There is enough of that on the internet already so I would like to keep it off my blog.

Thanks for understanding and bearing with me as I share my heart in a not so light-hearted post today. Jake does have a much more Friday-worthy post for you guys. So come back later and check it out. I promise it’s a good one.

Jamie BartlettLet’s Play Nice