My Perfectly Sweet Chai Tea Latte Recipe

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 20437 Views

While I’m participating in the WundaBody Challenge I’ve been cutting sugar out of my diet. I think that’s probably been the hardest part for me. Especially in the evenings I usually like to have something sweet. The first week I started the challenge I remember going to Trader Joe’s and seeing that they had just gotten all their seasonal food out. There was pumpkin butter, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin everything! Trader Joe’s I love you but you’re just cruel. At that point I knew if I was going to make it through this challenge I would need a little something to curve that craving. And that’s where this Chai Tea Latte came in. It’s easy, yummy, and just sweet enough to make me feel like I’m not totally missing out on dessert.

1 chai tea bag
2/3 cup boiling water
2/3 cup almond milk
1 scoop organic stevia
Vanilla (optional)

1. Pour the boiling water in your mug and let the tea bag steep for 4 to 6 minutes in the water.
2. Next heat up the almond milk just until warm. Then pour into your mug.
3. Add 1 scoop of the organic stevia. The one I buy from Trader Joe’s comes with a little scoop. It’s TINY but adds plenty of sweetness (probably around 1/16 of a teaspoon).
4. If you want add a few drops of vanilla to taste.

I love sipping on this in the evening while relaxing on the couch and catching up on our shows. It makes for a pretty good way to end the day.

Jamie BartlettMy Perfectly Sweet Chai Tea Latte Recipe