Thanksgiving in Phoenix

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Christmas is only a few days away and I haven’t even been able to share photos from Thanksgiving yet. Yikes! This year we headed down to Phoenix and met up with our family. We rented a house that had a beautiful pool and thankfully the weather was nice enough to pretty much spend the entire time outside.
Our niece and nephew pretty much lived in the pool the entire time. Only cookies and the occasional bathroom break could get these two water babies out of there.
I did manage to get Jocelyn out of the water long enough to help Papa and I make our traditional pumpkin pie. Ever since I can remember my dad and I make my Grandma’s pumpkin pie recipe for Thanksgiving. This year I thought it would be fun include Jocelyn. She’s quite the little baker. 
We thought for sure Pixel would love the water but it turns out he is pretty content staying dry and laying in the sun.
We did manage to lure him in with some treats. 
It was so great to see our family if only for a few days. I hope we can do it all again next year. What do you say family? 
Jamie BartlettThanksgiving in Phoenix