Valentine’s Day Pt. 2

Jake Blog Post 1225 Views

Just quickly I wanted to show you all what was in the Valentine’s Day gift wrap that Jamie sent me along with the care package.

I love it! It’s sits on the ledge behind my computer, and I just love it.

JakeValentine’s Day Pt. 2

Valentine’s Day

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1184 Views

Yesterday was Jake’s and my first Valentine’s as a couple. Since I have never dated anyone besides Jake it was also the first Valentine’s that ever really applied to me. It was both a hard day and wonderful day. Since Jake isn’t at JBU this semester it was hard not being able to spend the day together. It was hard seeing all the other couples on campus spending time with their significant other when I couldn’t do that with mine. However Jake always finds a way to make everything ok. He never fails to show me just how much he loves me. Yesterday to my surprise I received a dozen beautiful roses along with a little note from my fiance. They are now on display in my room for everyone to see, but most importantly they are there so that every time I look at them I am reminded how I am loved by the most amazing man in the world…Jake Bartlett

random fact: Our first date was on Valentines day our freshman year when Jake asked me to go to the J. Alvin loves Mayfield dinner. We started dating almost a year and a half later.

Jamie BartlettValentine’s Day

The Gift of Care

Jake Blog Post 1044 Views

There are many amazing aspects of Jamie’s personality. One that I am particularly fond of is her natural ability to care. She has many times selflessly dropped all other responsibility to care for me, loosing hours of sleep over things I do not deserve. Yet she finds great joy in caring for me, and I am very grateful for every bit of it.

After living in LA for about a month now and adjusting to buying my own food, I’ve quickly learned to not eat out very often. I’ve only had to visit the grocery store two or three times, but I’m starting to run out of my supply; that is, until I received a package today. Jamie decided to send my a care package filled with lots of goodies. I now have a resupply of oatmeal , a heart shaped container of Reese’s Pieces (which I have already consumed), a heart shaped container of bubble tape, 19 packages of single use coffee (no coffee pot required), french vanilla creamer (my favorite), three packages of popcorn, a little puppy dog, two cases of lip balm (made personally by her wonderful sister Stacy) a hand written love letter, and a mysterious wrapped gift complete with note card.

I’m not allowed to open the wrapped gift until Valentine’s Day; I’m very excited to find out what it is, and I’ll be sure to let you know what it is when the time has come.

I love my fiancée, and I miss her right now. A whole bunch.

JakeThe Gift of Care

the big question

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1133 Views

Well it has been almost 2 weeks since Jake and I got engaged. I figured it is time I take my turn at posting something on our blog.

Ever since I came back to JBU I have consistently been congratulated by my friends and even by people I don’t really know. JBU is funny like that. News, especially news like engagements travels fast on campus. Its been fun showing off my ring and telling our proposal story to everyone. I think I can manage to tell it one more time…

First I have to tell you that before Jake came to visit I was talking to him on the phone and he mentioned that he thought about proposing while he was visiting and then decided not to. So keep in mind that I knew he wasn’t going to propose to me, or at least that is what I thought I knew. So anyway on to the good stuff.

For a while we had been planing on having a day all to ourselves during his visit. We decided we would make our own dinner, watch the movie Once, which has been on our to-do list for a while, and eat our favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Well before we started making dinner Jake asked me if I wanted my last Christmas gift. Of course I did, so he sat me down and had me close my eyes so he could get my gift out of his backpack. All the while he was telling me wonderful things like he loves me and how much I mean to him (this doesn’t do him justice) and the whole while I was just listening and trying to guess what he got me for Christmas, and was completely clueless about what was really going on. Then all of a sudden he pulled out a box, opened it and asked me to marry him. According to him I flipped out and said something along the lines of “you’ve got to be kidding me”. I had no idea. I came to a complete surprise to me so it took me awhile for it to really sink in. In fact such a long time that I forgot to answer his question so Jake asked me again and of course I said yes. I couldn’t believe it. I was going to marry Jacob Olan Bartlett. For the next hour I called my family and friends and listened to each one of them either cry, scream (in excitement) or congratulate Jake and I. Finally we were able to make dinner, watch our movie and eat Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked icecream. It was a day we will both remember for the rest of our lives.

Jamie Bartlettthe big question

The Beginning

Jake Blog Post 1420 Views

Yesterday, January 5th, 2009, at approximately 3:30pm Mountain time, I, Jake Bartlett, made a proposal to my beautiful girlfriend, Jamie Raymer. What did I propose? To spend the rest of our lives together. To my greatest delight, she accepted my proposal, and is now my fiancée. Now we are planning how to start the rest of our lives together. We are both happier than we have ever been, and are very excited to share our experiences with you.

We both will be posting on this blog from now on, and hope that you enjoy following our lives with us. For those of you who read our xangas, please continue doing so. We will both be using those for our personal use, but this blog will serve as a story of our lives as it unfolds. Please feel free to pass the address of our blog to anyone you would like.

If you would like to leave a comment on any blog post, simply click on the “# comments” link at the end of the post you’d like to leave a comment on. If you don’t have an account you are still able to leave a comment, so please don’t hesitate.

This is the ring Jamie will wear for the rest of her life. She tells me it’s the ring she’s always dreamed of, and even more (and it’s conflict free).

JakeThe Beginning

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