A few blogs behind the ALT business cards

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post ALT Summit, Business Card, Inspiration 2463 Views

I finally started going through the piles of cards I received at ALT. I thought it would be fun to share with you some of the amazing bloggers behind the beautiful cards. I narrowed it down to just a few. Some of them I have heard of before, some of them are new to me. These are all blogs you should definitely


Jamie BartlettA few blogs behind the ALT business cards

A Few Important Things ALT Taught Me

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post ALT Summit 2097 Views

I finally have had some time to process my ALT experience. I know a lot of people have been waiting and wanting to hear everything about it, but i’m just going to stick to a few things I think are some of the most important things I have learned from attending. Things I think will be relevant for you as well. You


Jamie BartlettA Few Important Things ALT Taught Me

Recovering from ALT: Be Back Tomorrow

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post ALT Summit, Business Card 1751 Views

Whew! I made it back from ALT SLC. It was quite an experience. I had fun, learned lots, and met a ton of awesome bloggers. As I’m sure you can image this all resulted in pure exhaustion. I’m still recovering from the trip and can’t wait to tell you all about it. Before I get into all the nitty-gritty, I’m


Jamie BartlettRecovering from ALT: Be Back Tomorrow

What’s in my Bag: ALT Essentials

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post ALT Summit 2083 Views

I’m packed and ready to leave this afternoon for ALT Summit! I tried to pack as light as I could for this trip. No checked luggage for me please. Just a carry-on and cross-body bag filled with the essentials that I will carry with me throughout the conference. I hate carrying around a lot of stuff so I picked a


Jamie BartlettWhat’s in my Bag: ALT Essentials

Promotional Postcard Infographic

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post ALT Summit, Graphic Design, Infographic, Typography 5406 Views

Last weekend I decided at the last minute to design some kind of promotional material to hand out at ALT. I wanted to have something other than just a business card. Something that told a little more about us and what we do. I decided to do an infographic style postcard. Jake and I came up with the fun facts


Jamie BartlettPromotional Postcard Infographic

Getting Ready for ALT Summit SLC

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post ALT Summit, Design, Fashion 1783 Views

I still can’t believe I’m going to ALT and in exactly two weeks! I still have lots to do to get ready for it. I was chatting with a blogger who is one of the speakers at ALT and she described the conference as Project Runway meets HGTV. At first I kind of panicked and wanted to immediately race out and buy


Jamie BartlettGetting Ready for ALT Summit SLC