Beat the Heat

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Style, summer, Weekend 1122 Views

This weekend we are in for a hot one. It supposed to be in the 90’s everyday until the middle of next week! I hate wasting weekends doing nothing so instead of sitting inside waiting for it to cool down I think I will grab a cute hat, a cool treat and a good read. Whether or not I will be inside or outside


Jamie BartlettBeat the Heat

Finders Keepers: Scotch Naturals

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Color, Finders Keepers, Style 1440 Views

Have you seen these nail polishes from Scotch? I have a whole shoe box full of nail polish, but I wouldn’t mind adding a few of these colors to my collection. The best part is they are non toxic, fragrance free and have a handfull of other good qualities. I bet they would be much less harsh on your nails too. Have you


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Scotch Naturals