Morning Brew: A New Week

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1088 Views

Source: Dara Quesada

I hope you’re ready, because it’s time for a new week. Did you have a good weekend? Jake and I went on a date Friday evening. First we walked to the Farmer’s Market for dinner and then we went and saw Super 8 at the theatre. It was fantastic (loud, but fantastic). We both highly recommend it, but watch the trailer first so you know what you’re getting yourself into.

I realized that I haven’t really been posting about my work since I quit my job to persure my own graphic design. Well, since then I have been consistently busy with work for actual clients. We haven’t even had time to advertise our services and yet people keep wanting to hire us for design. I can not tell you how blessed I feel. It feels like a confirmation that I’m doing what I’m suposed to. When I can I’ll post some of the designs we’ve been working on. Jake has been an amazing support and I’m so lucky to have someone who encourages me in every aspect of my life.

The other day I was looking through this book titled Creative Inc. written by two women as a guide to running your own creative freelance business. It looks like a really resourceful book. I didn’t end  up buying it, but as I flipped through the pages I saw that these women dedicated the book to their husbands. I wish I could remember their exact wording. It made me laugh but at the same time was really sweet. It said something along the lines of thanking their husbands for encouraging them in their pursuit of a non-traditional career.

It’s all because of Jake that I get to do what I’m doing. So until I write a book to dedicate to Jake, a simple thanks in a blog post will have to do. Here’s to another week of hard work. Go get’em Tiger!

Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: A New Week