The Art of Vintage Cocktails

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Artist, Book, Illustration 2010 Views

Danielle Kroll is one of my favorite illustrators. Her work is so charming and fun and this new book she designed, The Art of Vintage Cocktails, is no exception. I was pretty excited to finally get my hands on it this weekend and flip through the colorful pages. It’s pretty perfect in every way. Cheers!

Jamie BartlettThe Art of Vintage Cocktails

The Original 101 Dalmatians

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, Dalmatian, Dogs, Illustration, Pixel, Vintage 3620 Views

We are so excited about what we snatched up the other day; The original 101 Dalmatians by Dodie Smith! There is no way we could pass this up and it’s in such good condition. The cover art is so lovely and I just can’t get over the puppy illustration on the hard cover and the inside of the book. I can’t wait to read


Jamie BartlettThe Original 101 Dalmatians

Finders Keepers: Furniture Makeovers

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, DIY, Finders Keepers, Home, Vintage 2011 Views

For us there is nothing like the feeling of buying old beat up furniture at a good price and fixing it up to be just what we wanted. Furniture Makeovers not only provides you with tons of inspiration, it also teaches you simple techniques to transform your pieces. I think this could come in handy when we own a house someday and have


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Furniture Makeovers

Finders Keepers: Mi Goals Book

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, Finders Keepers 1494 Views

One of the of the best ways to accomplish goals it to write them down. I came across this book that helps you do just that! Mi Goals even has inspirational quotes throughout the book to inspire you. It doesn’t hurt that they are well designed either.

Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Mi Goals Book

Finders Keepers: Handmade Packaging Workshop

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, Finders Keepers, Packaging 1494 Views

The title about says it all. It’s enough for me to snatch this book right up. I was also over on Yellow Bird, Yellow Beard this week. Be sure to check out my Fall Package For a Friend post. And just in case you missed it, there are some sweet Halloween printables that I got to design for The Sweetest Occasion over on there blog.

Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Handmade Packaging Workshop

Finders Keepers: Handmade to Sell

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, Business, Finders Keepers, Inspiration 1114 Views

I discovered this jem of a book last week and went out a bought it the very next day. I was so excited about it I just about read the entire thing in one sitting. It talks a lot about the business side of crafting (the part I can say I don’t know too much about). All my business knowledge comes from friends and


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Handmade to Sell

Finders Keepers: Typography Sketchbooks

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, Finders Keepers, Typography 1338 Views

I can never get enough of art and design books. They never get old and they are always perfect to have around when I’m in need of some inspiration. This book looks like it belongs in my collection.

Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Typography Sketchbooks

Finders Keepers: Reinvention

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, DIY, Finders Keepers 1365 Views

I think it’s always a good idea to try to use and repurpose what you already have before running out and buying new things. That’s why I’m loving the idea of this new book by Maya Donenfeld titled Reinvention: Sewing with Rescued Materials. I saw it posted over on Poppytalk earlier this week. It sounds like a great way to be


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Reinvention

Minimalist Fairy Tale Posters

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Book, Children, Design, Illustration, Poster 1762 Views

Source: Christian Jackson There is just something wonderful about fairy tales and their ability to take you back to your childhood. Back to happy, carefree times. These posters by Christian Jackson do just that. Christian has captured these classic children’s tales through clever and simplistic imagery. Their stories and now these posters have found a place in my heart.

Jamie BartlettMinimalist Fairy Tale Posters

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