Morning Brew: Cozy

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1117 Views

Today is the first day in two weeks that I have been home during the day for work. Last week I worked with Jake on his show Who Knew that he animates for. It was nice being with him during the day. But today I am home which will give me a chance to catch up on some work. I can’t say it enough; I love working from home! It’s cozy and I feel productive. Projects in the works for our clients today include but are not limited to: wedding invitation design, tattoo design and coffee shop identity. They are all turning out really well. I can’t wait to show you them when they are complete. I guess I should end this post if I’m going to get caught up on all that. Wish me luck!

Source: Dirtsa Studio
Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Cozy