Pleasant Surprise from Poppytalk

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1157 Views

A couple weeks ago Poppytalk blogged about redesigning their site. They were asking for the readers options. If you left a comment you could be selected to win a $25 gift from their handmade market. So of course Jake and I left a comment, but I really wasn’t expecting to win. It seems to me, I’m one of those people that never win anything. To my extreme surprise, we won! So we got to pick something from their market. After much deliberation we chose a screen printed poster by Fifi Du Vie with a quote on it that say “oh darling let’s be adventures. I thought it was cute.

I completely forgot about it and when I went to check the mail there was a cardboard roll covered in old looking stamps in our box. It was such a lovely, unexpected surprise. I loved the stamps so much I took a picture to show you.

I thought it was a nice touch.
Jamie BartlettPleasant Surprise from Poppytalk